General Disclaimers :


Installation, Equipment, taxes, additional fees and surcharges are on the top of the basic prices as mentioned on this website.
All the mentioned rates are subject to change without any prior notification by the concerned service provider.
Credit approval or prepayments for the orders may be required at the time of signup.
The packages mentioned on the websites may not be available in all areas, please call us to confirm the availability by your address.
Every service provider has its own applicable service terms and conditions and would be applied on the service level and packages you have or order.
Promotional Prices are only for the promotional period and the standard rates will apply after the promotional offer period.
All the trade marks used on this website are belong to their respective trade mark owner/holders and belongs to them, we use them only to describe their rates and offers.
HD capable equipment is required to view HD Programming where available.
On demand/Pay per view programming varies by the level of service, pricing, rate and schedules which are subject to change without any notice by the concerned service providers.
Internet Speeds may vary by area and time to time and depends on the location of the customer and level of service. Customer may not receive the speeds as advertised on this website.
No Data Caps or Capacity allowances are controlled and monitored by the concerned services providers. Fair usage policy may be applied by the concerned service providers.
Internet equipment may or may not be provided by the service provider and the level of service you order.
Home Phone or Voice service are landline services and could only be used with a wired connection.They are not the alternate to Mobile Phone services.